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How to Generate a Ranger Config File

How to Generate a Ranger Config File

ranger –copy-config=all This will copy all the default config files from /usr/local/lib so you can make edits without messing anything up. Huge shout out to for explaining this and so much more. Took...
Fix Audio on XFCE Chromebook

Fix Audio on XFCE Chromebook

The Problem After moving from GalliumOS to Xubuntu, I noticed that playing YouTube videos on both Firefox and Chromium would result in decent playback for a few minutes, but suddenly the audio would turn into a solid beeping tone while the YouTube video displayed the...
Adjust Trackpad Sensitivity XFCE

Adjust Trackpad Sensitivity XFCE

xinput set-prop “Elan Touchpad” “Synaptics Finger” 1 1 1 What are the values 1 1 1? This sets the sensitivity as close to the original ChromeOS as possible. Larger numbers will decrease sensitivity of various aspects. I never looked into which...
How to Mount a B2 Bucket on Linux

How to Mount a B2 Bucket on Linux

The Short Answer: Setup rclone using rclone config Then mount using the mount command rclone mount remote:bucket/folder/file /path/to/empty/mount/folder/ The More Detailed Answer Mixed With Personal Experience: This is a little bit embarrassing, but I’ve been...
Building Aseprite

Building Aseprite

After watching several videos on the topic of pixel art, researching some of the artists in the top of my search results, I decided to make the leap and change up my graphics creation strategy. For me, personally, it took quite a bit of time to figure out how to...