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Nerd Talk

Hosting Multiple Sites Using LocalWP

Hosting Multiple Sites Using LocalWP

I've done a write-up on hosting local WordPress sites before, but I definitely prefer this method over the previous one. If you've never tried hosting multiple sites using LocalWP, then I'd encourage you to check it out. I've had really bad issues with it in the past,...

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How To Load Javascript in WordPress

How To Load Javascript in WordPress

Doing things the WordPressy Way Yes, technically it's possible to just drop scripts into template files, but it's not the correct method to use on WordPress sites. WordPress is pretty particular on how it handles JS. Register Scripts via functions.php Just a heads up,...

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Disable CORS For Localhost

Disable CORS For Localhost

Method 1: Firefox (not recommended) In the Firefox address bar, type about:config. You'll be greeted with a warning. Click "Accept the Risk and Continue". Next, you'll see a search bar where you can search for specific preferences. If you made it this far, there's a...

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Block Registrations By Email Domain

Block Registrations By Email Domain

Today I ran into a situation where I was getting a new user registration every half hour for the entire afternoon. I came across this solution that will block registrations by email domain. First, it blocks registrations by email domain. This simple denial of...

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Search And Replace Using PHPmyadmin

Search And Replace Using PHPmyadmin

Select Your Database To search and replace using phpmyadmin, first you'll need to select and open the database you want to run the search and replace query on. Once you've selected it, you'll see the tabs across the top of the screen change. Execute Query Click on the...

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